Link update by PrimeOS : Description COLGATE PLAX FRESH TEA--40 ml--- 2PC @ RS. 40/-x 2 Removes up to 99.9% germs Contains natural tea extracts Alcohol-free Provides up to 64% healthier gums Helps prevent cavities 12 hour protection against germs & plaque Gives long lasting fresh breath COLGATE CIBACA TOOTH BRUSH 1-2-3 2 PC @ 12 x 2 EACH Pepsodant Toothpaste 2 PC @ 10 x 2 EACH Note Use Coupon Code : SC2DC49
ShopClues: Complete Dental Care @83 Complete Dental Care List Price: 124 Selling Price: 100 Deal Price: 49 Shipping Charge: 34 Use coupon: SC2DC49 Offer valid till stocks last COLGATE CIBACA TOOTH BRUSH 1-2-3 2 PC @ 12 x 2 EACH Pepsodant Toothpaste 2 PC @ 10 x 2 EACH
Link update:
Hello OnlineSasta, This is not at all Deal. All Please aware of Shopclues cheating.. Now the final price of this Deal is Rs 86.. Not Rs 83.. Please correct it. Another important information, Above if you see some links are posted and its not working now. But its worked before this Deal come into LIVE.. On that time product Price is Rs 100 and FREE HOME DELIVERY. If we apply Flat 15% off coupon (SCN15OMG), we can get the same product for Rs 85. So after Deal Rs 1 is increased.. Anyone think this is Jaw Dropping Deal. Total Cheating and total waste... Please check the all details and promote the Deals...
I am new member and i am not posting more posts here.. But i am regularly following the posts in FORUMS, all promoted and not promoted Deals.. After 10 days observation my finding's are here: 1) Now onlinesasta moderator are not promoting good deals. 2) Most of the good deals are there in FORUMS and its not even responded and promoted. 3) Hope all moderators are not concentrating on this FORUM now. 4) So really we all missing some good deals with unnoticed. 5) Also some deals are promoted and rated A also.. But some of those kind of deals are not worth.. Example: Above SHOPCLUES Deal. 6) Only some old and well-know members deals are frequently promoted here. 7) Those kind of deals not checked in detail and some of them are not great and A rated Deals. 8) Please check in detail and also encourage new member of the Forum. Hope this will be very helpful and will encourage all members of the Forum
At the time of promotion, the deal price was Rs 83 so it was promoted with these details. The link was working earlier, but was changed later. True that Shopclues is regularly increasing shipping charges(due to some valid reasons to some extent), and now the deals are not as enticing as they used to be earlier and other stores are selling them cheaper. But the argument used by you to make this deal appear useless is not substantive. 1 . SCN15OMG and other similar coupons now offer 14% discount as against 15% earlier. 2. Almost all such coupons can be used only once with one account. Your reply will be "No one is stopping anyone from creating new accounts", but you haven't bothered to check the User Agreement according to which No store is interested in initiating legal proceeding even if this Term of Use is violated by members currently, but you won't be on firm ground if eventually they decide otherwise. Most regular ShopClues shopppers must have already exhausted their quota of all such generic discount coupons. Also, all stores(even Flipkart) resort to this trick. For Today's DOTD item(mobile), without deal offer price was 4449 with 38% discount. Now when the deal was activated, they increased marked price by Rs 30 odd Rs and kept Selling price the same ie Rs 4449 and showed 39% discount.
10 days is a long time in politics, but no so in case of deal hunting. The worthiness of a deal depends upon the buyer, same way as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. If you are living near Nehru Place, Delhi then you would say none of the deals even with EXTRA 10% discount is worth promoting to homepage because you are getting it cheaper at a stone's throw away from your place. But if you are living in some remote village and Flipkart is home-delivering the same item at just 5% discount, then you stance will be entirely different. Also, deal with 40% discount from a reputed store will edge out same deal with 50% discount from a new entrant because of the trust that people have in known brand's competence(in every phase of the buying process: beginning from the security of payment gateway to the quality of packaging, respect to delivery timelines and customer care). Found that some really great deal is missing from homepage? We have "Suggest As A Deal" option in every deal which is available to all(new/old) members. You are always welcome to use this. Maybe a considerable number of members might have suggested the deal as A which you might not consider to be great. Answered above. And I guess you are also referring to that Zovi Deal. The Paytm coupon wasn't included in the deal because earlier it had stopped working in conjunction with a similar combo offer. You have created 7 threads till now, and the conversion ratio is 15% ie 1 deal promoted out of 7. Consider this statistics and then consider how much weight your statement holds. Also, a liberal policy is followed for new members to ensure(read encourage) that gradually get accustomed to forum roles. Forum is open for feedback from all members, without any distinction between new or old members because 2 months down the line you will be considered an old and active member of the forum.
Too good Hobbit. No one could have explained better. Muthu15 I feel all your queries are answered bro. If still anything left , feel free to post. One thing I always feel is that majority of good deals wouldn't be liked by majority of the members. Price is not the only factor but need and desire of the product , personal budget , convenience , etc also counts. A deal not worthy for you may be good for someone else and vice versa. Deals which we feel are real good and worthy for all members goes in our A+ I agree that many good deals worthy for A may be missed by us from time to time in spite of our best efforts. Feel free to recommend them anytime you come across any so we can check and re evaluate them. Thanks
Thanks very much for the explanation Sure will suggest deals good deal if something missed out. Great team work