Tata Sky free Showcasemovies on 21 & 22 December

Discussion in 'Good Deals (A Rated)' started by stive, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. stive

    stive Well-Known Member

    To watch free show case movies on 21 and 22 december give missed call from your registered mobile number to 07679676796 for White house down, to 07679676797 for Besharam, to 07679676798 for Jayanti bhai ki love story, to 07679676799 for Bhoot returns

    Correct Numbers :
    076796 76796 for White house down, to 076797 76797 for Besharam, to 076798 76798 for Jayanti bhai ki love story, to 076799 76799 for Bhoot returns. There could be a slim chance that numbers are different for different accounts or cities. In case these numbers don't work for you , login to your Tatasky account and check this offer for correct numbers for you.
    mailtolokeshchawla, usa11 and PIEKEY like this.
  2. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member

    looks good. any source for this offer ?
  3. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member

    ok , I can see this offer after logging in to my tata sky account.
    But the phone numbers they are showing are :
    076796 76796 for White house down, to 076797 76797 for Besharam, to 076798 76798 for Jayanti bhai ki love story, to 076799 76799 for Bhoot returns
    and which are correct and working fine. All numbers you posted are wrong and showing as switched off.
  4. stive

    stive Well-Known Member

    nope bro different tata sky have different code so not :)
  5. Hobbit

    Hobbit Moderator Staff Member

    No need to check My Tata Sky, you can check it in the message they have sent on Tata Sky.
    usa11 likes this.
  6. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member


    oh ok. I thought that might be the case as well.

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