Coupon Code : SPLASH60 There are 2140 products to choose from Most importantly there is no minimum purchase. Coupon also applicable on product of Rs 199. Link-
Good Deal.. But price is increased 20% to 30% and offer is okay.. Usually myntra we can have Flat 50% and extra 35% offer too.. Compare to that Flat 60% is good.. Not Great
Credits were not given as you had not mentioned the link and terms and conditions like minimum purchase. Link is must. And what do you mean by last and final warning. When have you not been given credits earlier????
What is the warning for nithin ? The post was incomplete and updated by ironman. Are u expecting to get rewards for an incomplete posted deal? Being a senior member you should be aware of the rules of posting.
nithin - what do u mean by final warning??? nd on wat basis u r giving this warning?? post without link is useless for our forum... we get paid by merchant only when link is present... If we are not getting any money from merchant then how do u expect us to give u anything... these kinda posts are actually piece of shit for us... u should be thankful that we have not deducted extra credits from ur account for ur this mistake... And u shouldn't sound rude while talking to Online Sasta staff!!! We can even ban you for misbehaving with our staff!!!
ROHIT61194 Bro....Select Product Rs 999 and above apply the coupon.. You need to pay Rs 400 for the product with VAT extra No Shipping charge for this case.. If your cart value 998 you need to pay Rs 99 shipping...
nithin I can't believe someone is talking to a mod like that . This is not good at that. Bro try to accept your mistake . And talking rudely never helps anyone. I don't know what made u angry so much??