Use MeS7u7x3 as coupon code Flipkart Voucher Link :
Direct Link for those interested in buying flipkart voucher ;
Yes Deal is for 8%.. If we consider deduction of Rs 10 as convenience charge.. It will be 6%... Deal is 8%.. No doubt in it is really of 10%...but as there was conv. charge...i made it 8% so that people don't see less discount when they purchase the is the pic
Ho ho.. I didnt apply the coupon.. Its my mistake.. Ya deal is 10% and if we deduct charge total offer deal is 8%.. Ya i am not able to apply coupon while i check.. It ask me to login to apply coupon..
Filipkart voucher will be useful and good one.. But for mail id/login we are able to get one GV using this coupon i think. If we need multiple coupon we need to create multiple login..
8% not so much but yes , flipkart seems worth. and also CCD is good provided regular bonus is also there in the card which I feel should be.