Pigeon Induction Cooktop - Rapido Cute PRODUCT OF THE DAY Pigeon Induction Cooktop - Rapido Cute Discount ` 705 EXTRA OFF MRP: ` 2,195 Special Price: `1,490 Use Coupon Code PCD2307
Good Deal, Promoting Price comparison:- infibeam @ Rs. 3295/- [LINK] kitchen18 @ Rs. 2875/- [LINK] giftcart @ Rs. 3370/- [LINK] homeshop18 @ Rs. 2844/-(oos) [LINK] snapdeal @ Rs. 2850/-(oos) [LINK]
after looking the price comparison thinking to buy..... Good find bro... Edit : ooops... all the comparision are about the "Pigeon Induction Cooktop - Rapido Dx" But the above product is "Pigeon Induction Cooktop - Rapido Cute".. Kindly check b4 buying.............
all the comparision are about the "Pigeon Induction Cooktop - Rapido Dx" But the above product is "Pigeon Induction Cooktop - Rapido Cute"..
hahahaha buddy...!!!! i don't know i just said thanx for the effort.. i didn't even saw the price in comparison text buddy..1