Let us know your thoughts about new home page of Online Sasta!!! If you have suggestion or feedback related to new home page, don't hesitate to share it with us here. Your suggestion will help us to improve the design and make it more user friendly.
the new hopepage has inproved alot the design is perfect i would like to add some deals from forum which are popular in terms of likes and views to be seen at homepage which will involve more interest in forum too for guests
when we open any forum total number for likes for a particular deal should be visible w/out opening the deal....just like total number of replies and views are visible
Looks very good bro. One point wherever deal title is smaller (say 4-5 words only) title is more aligned to the top, if we can do it central aligned(ie same gap of title from image and Price) it would be a +point. Rest looks very simple and perfect.
i disagree.. for me its perfect size..store name should be visible easily.. dont know whether store name matters to others or not but i always look at the store name before looking at the price of the deal..