18% Off on Yoga For Kids Obesity English VCD at Infibeam

Discussion in 'All Hot Deals' started by nehamishra, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. nehamishra

    nehamishra New Member


    Get 18% Discount on Yoga For Kids Obesity English VCD available at Infibeam. Modern urban lifestyle has had an adverse effect on kids and obesity has emerged as a major problem. The factors for this are many, including television, computers etc. These factors along with reduced physical and outdoor activity has contributed to making this problem in kids a big menace. Also get benefits of free shipping within 24 hours and cod is available in anywhere of India.


    Steps To Get The Deal:

    1. Go To The Product Page.
    2. Select the Product and Click On "Add to Cart”
    3. And Get the Discount

    Movie VCD Comparison:

    Infibeam: 242
    Shopping.indiatimes: 251
    Chipak: 251

    Deal URL:
  2. developer

    developer Moderator Staff Member

    Hello NEHA ,
    Thank You For Posting The Deal.

    If i get this correct, this CD is for kids with obesity (heavy weight)?


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