... scountcode Coupon Code : VIADOM The discounts may vary by Airlines / Sectors The discount offers are subject to change without notice The discounts are on cut & pay basis Discounts may not apply on some routes. VIA reserves the sole rights to decide on the applicability of discounts Upto 15% off on domestic tickets Discount on Base & Fuel Surcharge component of the fare To avail of the Discount, please use the promo Code VIAHDFC Maximum Discount per transaction INR 600 All the offers are valid on base fare only. The Cardholder shall be required to give personal information and Card details online for the tickets purchased All HDFC Bank Cardholders are advised to check the other applicable terms and conditions of VIA before availing the offer. All terms and conditions of Promotion are subject to change without prior notice. Any dispute relating to the offer or the terms and conditions shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Bangalore only. Information about the offer is correct at the time of publication. Offer under HDFC VIA Promotion may be subject to other restrictions by law.