Product Description : Review Nolan is a genius, and a generous one, too. Like most geniuses who share their secrets, his secrets are simple, and available to anyone with the guts to listen The man who helped give a generation the game of Pong now gives a new generation a series of pongs for their careers. Nolan Bushnell's book is a spirited and insightful road map for anyone trying to navigate the new world of work About the Author Nolan Bushnell is a technology pioneer, entrepreneur and engineer. Often cited as the father of the video-game industry, he is best known as the founder of Atari Corporation. Gene Stone is the author or co-author of over thirty books, including The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick and the No.1 New York Times bestseller Forks Over Knives. Price Comparison : http://www.flipkart....tmdk8fmzchuynyn @ Rs. 259/- @ Rs. 267/- http://www.homeshop1...5015/cid:11301/ @ Rs. 319/- http://www.snapdeal....e-jobs/26729477 @ Rs. 312/- http://www.landmarko...14645-25829510/ @ Rs. 387/- @ Rs. 281/- http://www.infibeam....1472214645.html @ Rs. 291/-