[Amazon] Minimum 50% off & Up 80% off on Amar Chitrakathas/Tinkle books

Discussion in 'Good Deals (A Rated)' started by t.raj, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. t.raj

    t.raj Well-Known Member

  2. Hobbit

    Hobbit Moderator Staff Member

  3. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member

    Members who have ordered from the above sale must have been known by now that it was a pricing error and all orders are being cancelled.

    I too placed order of 9-10 items from this collection. Some were at a steal price even giving around 90% off. Though my order is also cancelled , seller involved
    Bookstok Media Pvt Ltd. ( not amazon ) have sent me

    Jataka, Panchatantra and Hitopadesha Collection (Amar Chitra Katha)


    free of charge along with a personalized sorry email for their mistake as a compensation when I expressed my polite disappointment to them upon knowing about my order cancellation. Majority of sellers/sites wouldn't even bother any apology email for such mistakes , let alone any free items. Here they sent me a set of 23 comics free.

    Highly impressed with Bookstok Media Pvt Ltd and they will be my first choice to place any orders for books/comics.
    They have their own site as well :
  4. Hobbit

    Hobbit Moderator Staff Member

    I don't think the seller would have shared the full financial burden for that, looks like more of Amazon's tactics to kill competition by suffering some loses during the initial phase of its stay in Indian market.
  5. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member


    From what I feel and understand it's the seller who has taken decision , responsibility and taken the loss.
    They registered me at their site ( and the user details which they sent me was showing my username removed as contained email address and blocked by amazon ) , created one order on their own at their site with my details and shipped.

    With amazon , I had some other order cancelled 1-2 months back for which they sent order cancellation mail and refund.
  6. Hobbit

    Hobbit Moderator Staff Member

    Hmm....ok. But did you make your displeasure known to Amazon when the first 2 orders were cancelled?

    In my case, when the item was damaged in transit and Fedex didn't initiate return pick up even after multiple requests, Amazon refunded the money in 1 day and picked up the item itself(ATS) 10 days later.
  7. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member


    No. I didn't bothered that time.
    But even for now , I was communicating only with the seller and expressed my disappointment to him. Similar like ebay ( direct buyer-seller communication ) and amazon was not in the picture.
  8. Hobbit

    Hobbit Moderator Staff Member

    Hmmm.....ok :)
  9. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member

    Actually once amazon cancels the order , it disappears from your account and may be becomes hard to contact the seller directly.
    What happened with me was that I contacted the seller 4-5 days back asking when will he ship my order. He replied that the order
    might be cancelled as it was pricing error of old stock. I politely expressed my disappointment and requested to try his best not to
    cancel. Later he apologized stating to keep business interest in mind , he will have to cancel the order but will send me 1 free set.
    I did received this free set yesterday just few hours after receiving amazon email of order cancellation.
    Hobbit likes this.

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