Product Description The Labyrinth consists of 15 stories, each belonging to a different genre. This is to keep you on the edge with each turn in the alleys of the Labyrinth. So, if getting caught in the cross fire on the battle grounds of Afghanistan with young Kemal in The Martyr is a little much to handle, you could hop a ride with Sharmaji in Mortified, as he winds his way through small town India, buying a Bata shoe and clutching his heart which is ready to be attacked. Though, we would not suggest hitching a ride with Joy in his Travel Through the Night, as he already has to deal with strange apparitions which have stepped out of the sugarcane plantations and refuse to let him pass. These apparitions might seem like Casper, considering the creatures Kyoto finds himself fighting on a daily basis in the wonderland called Sym World. A world he has entered of his free will, but cannot escape. While we recommend a journey to Sym World, it should not purely be in pursuit of strange creatures as these can be found right in your back yard, when you least expect them. Much like the predicament Revant finds himself in when the Wokambee comes knocking at nights in the Night of the Wokambee. Talking of predicaments, doesn't a puppeteer lead a precarious life? Or does he? Neither does Dr. Merryfloat, a reclusive doctor, have the answer, nor do his patients, who live in the valley below. The entire valley is befuddled as a spell is cast on its in habitants in the Puppet Show. Leaving these strange worlds and paranormal events, you can return to a more identifiable situation in Candies, where you lose some and then win some in pursuit of love. This tug of war of lost and found has also been beautifully captured in Crashing Impacts, a story which spans almost a decade and is weaved on the fabric of human emotions of love, sacrifice, insecurity and strength of human character. Mists of Time and Russkaya Rulyetka show how anger, jealousy and vende Price Comparison http://www.flipkart....tmdepnjx3zgdsng @ Rs. 120/- @ Rs. 104/- http://www.naaptol.c...p/12306009.html @ Rs. 180/- http://www.homeshop1...48952/cid:10158 @ Rs. 128/- http://books.rediff....s/9788192391700 @ Rs. 168/- http://www.infibeam....8192391700.html @ Rs. 133/- @ Rs. 185/- http://www.landmarko...91700-22389338/ @ Rs. 109/- http://www.shopclues...rt-stories.html @ Rs. 156/-