Amazon : Understand Basic Business Finance: Flash (Paperback) @ Rs. 54/- (Lowest)

Discussion in 'Good Deals (A Rated)' started by sahilmehta, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. sahilmehta

    sahilmehta Well-Known Member


    List Price: 375

    Deal Price: 54 (seller amazing bay)

    Shipping Charge:Free

    Offer valid till: stock lasts

    STORE: amazon

    Book Description

    The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious Understand Basic Business Finance is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to the mysteries of financial reporting. In just 96 pages, the reader will gain a better understanding of the jargon, the methods used to prepare the numbers and what accountants actually do. Ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious, Understand Basic Business Finance is a quick, no-effort way to understanding the concepts and principles of financial management.
    grasp the basics of finance
    read accounts
    budget effectively
    understand financial reports
    control cash flow


    mailtolokeshchawla and admin like this.
  2. admin

    admin Moderator Staff Member

  3. sahilmehta

    sahilmehta Well-Known Member


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