Aviva Shivaji Park to Lord’s contest win chance to meet Sachin Tendulkar ,Sachin signed books,Croma

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    Entry to the contest on Twitter: Participants are invited to enter the contest by liking the Aviva Twitter profile www.twitter.com/avivaindia and answering questions on Sachin’s life and career with @avivaindia and using the hashtag #ShivajiParkToLords. The questions will be asked through tweets on the official profile of Aviva India during the Contest Period. Each participant is requested to answer the question only one time. Additionally, the participants can share their favorite Sachin moment in his journey from Shivaji Park to Lords by using the contest hashtag.

    Entry to the contest on Facebook: Participants are invited to enter the contest by liking the Aviva Facebook page and answering questions on Sachin’s life and career. The questions will be asked in a post displayed on the timeline of the Facebook page during the Contest Period. Contest entries will be accepted via comments on the Facebook post and/or personal messages to the Aviva Facebook page. Entrants may participate in the Contest only once from the same Facebook account.

    The Contest shall be open from 06:00 hours on 8th November 2013 and close on 18th November 2013 at 23:59 hours
    Prizes and apportionment rules :
    Daily Prize :
    Daily 3 winners will be selected through entries received on the Aviva Facebook page and Twitter profile and will be announced on Aviva’s Twitter and Facebook profile.
    The daily 3 winner’s will win Sachin signed books as prizes.
    Winners for daily prizes will be announced one day after the daily prize question is posted on the page.
    Grand Prize
    5 parent-child winners while be selected who will get to meet Sachin Tendulkar at a venue and time decided by Aviva.
    In case the winner who is selected does not have a child, he shall be entitled to the prize as an individual winner. Such individual winners shall not be entitled for any additional entry for any kid or individual not related to them in a capacity of a parent-child.
    Winners will be announced 2 days after the contest closing date.
    Aviva will only bear travel/airfare expenses for the winners. All other incidental expenses to be borne by the winners. Aviva will not be held responsible for any delays in travel etc due to unavoidable circumstances etc. No other means of gratification will be offered in case of winner’s inability to attend the event
    Bumper Prize
    There will be 3 Croma tablets which will be offered on special days decided by Aviva.
    The winners for the bumper prize will be selected through entries received on the Aviva Facebook page and Twitter profile and will be announced on Aviva’s Twitter and Facebook profile.
    Winners for bumper prizes will be announced one day after the bumper prize question is posted on the page.
    The winners under category A to C may or may not be the same and totally depends on the draw of lots


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