Now buy Bajaj GX8 3 Jars Mixer Grinder worth Rs 3560 at Rs. 1484 @ Pepperfry Link- Coupon- 10KADM Features- The Bajaj Gx8 Mixer is built to transform the way people grind spices in the kitchen.The grinder is equipped with a powerful motor 500 watt motor that rotates at a powerful speed of 1800 rpm that provides sufficient for all grinding purposes.The Grinder is packed with many features such as cord winding and locking system. The three stainless steel jars and a long lasting polycarbonate handle which adds to its convenient handling.The overload protector switches the device off when it is overloaded giving added safety measures.
PRICE COMPARISON- Rs 2749 Rs 3560 Rs 2588 Rs 2660
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