Flipkart is offering Belkin C400 Premium Wireless Combo worth Rs 1499 @ Rs 805 Link- http://www.flipkart.com/belkin-c400-ultimate-wireless-keyboard-mouse-combo/p/itmdjhzbagf6qfr8 No coupon Required, Automatic discount in cart Features- Belkin Premium Wireless Combo comes with a compact keyboard and an ergonomic mouse. The keyboards easy-access multimedia hotkey functions help to navigate your most frequently used media activities PRICE COMPARISON- Rs 1199 http://www.ebay.in/itm/BELKIN-C400-PREMIUM-WIRELESS-COMBO-KEYBOARD-MOUSE-/121213275231 Rs 1225+170 http://www.amazon.in/gp/offer-listing/B0083E7OFE