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Discussion in 'Merchant's Den' started by bilalcesa bali, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. bilalcesa bali

    bilalcesa bali New Member

    This is still down but also tomb of the king and True Garcinia Cambogia propped he scatteredalexander the Great himself said sables fan out from underneath this mosque never been explored profit but that's not really surprising said is absolutely honeycombed with really dangerous miss a great Alexandria story of the fact broad through on hold waiting session fell through amole in the street disappeared and despite the best effort sat the guests she was never seen again in 1850 something to the Russian consulate came down here got lost to the Cardinals when he came out he said that he'd seen gap in the stonework a chamber with a glass coffin Xiamen party but the girl died on its head and fragments papyrus everywhere that description closely matches the last classical witnesses at the tomb of Alexander the Great but suspicious lesion he was probably lying nevertheless it's an intriguing thought that solution to the greatest mystery in history Alexandria could lie somewhere behind one of these block trade corridors sir hi sir the it's 3 a...

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