BuildACharacter -Phantom

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    It's time for yet another #BuildACharacter

    The premise for today is : A man who is an electricity thief and who is looking to expand his business.

    Some points to think about while building his character:

    Why does this man steal electricity? Is it just for money or does he have a stronger social motive?
    What does the society view him as?
    Does he work underground or is his business all out in the open for anyone to get in touch with him?
    Does he like his job or does he feel like he is breaking the law?
    Does he disregard rules completely or does he have any morals while at his job?
    Is he expanding his business only for monetary benefits or does he have an ulterior reason?

    Think of these and more while giving us creative answers for this character and stand a chance to win exclusive Phantom merchandise. #contest

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