cricket Fantasy game PHASE 2 win Mackbook Pro,IPAD MINI,GIFT hampers-Cricinfo

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    all you need to do is form your team.
    You can select 7 players from a particular team.
    The tournament is divided into 2 phases; each phase will have a total of 12 transfers each. The breakdown of the phases is mentioned below in the 'Leaderboards' section.
    You can make unlimited number of transfers in between both the phases.
    Medals to be awarded at the end of each test match.
    Bonus Points are to be awarded at the end of each day of a test match.
    more details in the contest page
    Mackbook Pro,IPAD MINI,GIFT hampers

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