Cute Smile Contest-Classteacher learning System

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    Upload a Kid Photo (e.g., your cousin, nephew, son below 15 yrs) who you think has got the cutest smile

    You can submit as many photos as you like by the submission end date. Then you and everyone else can vote for your favorite entries, and from those we'll pick the winner. The photo with the maximum votes wins !

    THE PRIZE A Gift Pack including 2 Classteacher Mugs, a classy Pencil Kit and a Classteacher Tshirt !

    The second and third runner up would get a Classteacher Tshirt each.
    Contest would end on 20th Oct'2013.

    clcik on the below link to participate

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