Duolingo.com:Free Language Education on Web, Android & IOS

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by sahilmehta, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. sahilmehta

    sahilmehta Well-Known Member

    Free Language Education on Web, Android & IOS @ Duolingo
    Duolingo is building a world with free education and no language barriers.Learning languages in Duolingo is completely free – now and forever – with no ads or hidden fees. Wondering how that can be? It’s because you create value by translating real-world documents while you’re learning.
    Duolingo offers courses in:
    • Spanish
    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Portuguese
    • Italian
    How to get:
    1. Visit here & sign up
    2. Select the language you want to learn
    3. Click on start tour
    4. Now you can start learning the language

    Free language education for the world
  2. Hobbit

    Hobbit Moderator Staff Member

    Moved to free stuff.

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