ESPN STAR Football Manger

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by Ashwin, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Ashwin

    Ashwin Active Member

    Go to
    Select Games
    Select Football fantasy Manager
    Choose your team( On the similar lines of Super Selector in the past for cricket, if guys remember)
    Prizes are also amazing
    1. Season best team gets 10000 USD,second 7000 USD any many more
    2. Also monthly best team gets 1000 USD

    You have to make substitution and can do transfer each month.

    Can try this for fun also especially for EPL lovers.

    Also F1 manager, Canon capture the moment and many more games are live to be played.

    Direct link to the Game
  2. usa11

    usa11 Administrator Staff Member

    Looks good.
    This is a new site by Star TV.
    Star Panel survey sent Rs.100 surveys to ask questions about this new site just few days back.

    This Game looks interesting and must play in early days before becomes tougher when too many
    people will be playing.

    Direct link to the Game
  3. Ashwin

    Ashwin Active Member

    Thanks Bhai for udating. I myself missed the monthly prize in september, finished 10th in sept.

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