Festive Offer - Rs. 100 off on Rs. 200 (10 Times) for Rs. 100 at FoodPanda

Discussion in 'All Hot Deals' started by minhas, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. minhas

    minhas Well-Known Member


    Go to -->> http://www.foodpanda.in/contents/Festive-special.htm
    Use code FESTIVE1000 to avail Rs.100 off on minimum order of Rs.200
    The code can be used for a maximum of 10 times
    Valid from 2nd – 6th October, 2014
    Offer is valid only on delivery orders, and cannot be availed for pick up orders
  2. Amolverma.9

    Amolverma.9 Well-Known Member

    Nice offer :D

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