fighter body ultimate fitness

Discussion in 'Merchant's Den' started by goodFood bali, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. goodFood bali

    goodFood bali New Member

    The word of god there’s one doctor in more than Diet Ultima anything else maybe that I believe in that is the doctrine of salvation that it's not kept by good works but its K up by the grace evolve mighty God and I thank God for that I thank God that that I am here tonight standing on a spy for preaching the word of God because a big race of got there's nothing that you got there's nothing that I have done that gets us to where we are it's all the grace of God does I was thinking about that and thing about this idea can you lose your salvation what does it mean to be saved and be eternally secure there are few things that come tom mind I'm know what I want you to notice the promise of God's Word write that down the promise up god's word what is the word of God say well I want to walk down through God's Word and I don't want you to take anything IISaleh to look at it with me so if you got your bibles open them up nap you don't have a copy if God were get job on our something find the Bible app do something by the one in front to you but get a copy got word let's look at this together now John 3:16 for God so loved the world turn their you know what for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal lifer everlasting life John 3:16 teachers ask that we have eternal why I say turn alive he teaches us that we have into y now let me ask you a question how long years eternal it's forever ..

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