First Love!…Just Like the Last One! Paperback Rs.50 [Amazon]

Discussion in 'Good Deals (A Rated)' started by nithin, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. nithin

    nithin Well-Known Member

    M.R.P.: 100.00
    Price: 65.00
    Sale: 50.00

    Book Descriptions:-
    Love stories. Girl meets boy. Boy eyes the girl. She is fair, has dark eyes and beautiful hair; the whole college loves her. He is tall, dark and has the cutest dimples. They are a perfect couple. They fall in love. Endless phone calls, pointless blushes, constant sweet nothings. Everybody is jealous of them but they are too busy being in love. …. . Right? Bullshit! Real love is a lot more complex. Sachin Garg, opens his heart and shares the story of the twentieth year of his life. ‘It’s First Love!. . . Just Like the Last One!’ is the story of five people-Sachin, Kanika, Arshi, Radhika, Zeeshan and how they end up transforming completely over a period of a year. Sachin Garg is a guy freakishly similar to you or a guy next to you. He is a perfect blend of tall, dark and handsome. He is tall, and he is handsome when it is dark. Kanika Merchant is a fireball of energy on the outside, but a mystery on the inside. On the face of it, she wakes up every morning and thinks what she is going to wear today. But a thousand secrets lay hidden behind that smile. Arshi is more like a bad mouthing MTV Roadies contestant, than a regular college student. What will make her transform completely as a person, in a single second? Radhika Merchant is a successful TV journalist, an achiever par excellence and yet so hollow. How will she bring her own downfall? Zeeshan is a useless man, lives in a dusty broken house in a dingy lane. In reality, he is a doctor who has seen tougher times than most people do. What is his story? Lose your heart to their story and in the process, get to know everything about your love life you were never able to figure out.
  2. warrior

    warrior Well-Known Member

    Cheaper price . . .
  3. warrior

    warrior Well-Known Member

    Promoting . .

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