Football League 2014-Lapcare

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    1. “Lapcare Football League 2014" contest is brought to you by Lapcare India. (“Organizer”).

    2. Contest is open to all Indian citizens above the age of 18 years residing in India except the employees and family members of the Organizer, its associate companies, its advertising and promotional agencies and their associate companies (“Users”).

    3. Contest is valid from 2 pm on June 16, 2014 to 2 pm on July 14, 2014 (“Contest Period”).

    4. Each "Correct Answer" will accrue one point.

    5. The Contestant will get extra 10 points for each "Referred Contestant" referred by Him/Her who participates in the contest actively.

    6. Contestant with Maximum Share & Like and Correct Answers will Win The "Mega Prize". All the other prizes will be given as per the points accrued.

    7. To participate in the Contest, the User has to log on to ‘Lapcare World’ fanpage on Facebook.

    8. Final Decision will be taken by Lapcare Team after proper scrutinizing the contest.

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