The first 200 to provide submissions for the quiz shall be eligible for receiving one Adobe T-shirt each. If you are eligible for the same you shall receive the intimation by 11th Dec 2012 and your t-shirt shall be dispatched to your address by 15th Dec 2012. click here to get ur T-Shirt Quiz Answers: 1. False, 2. False, 3. False, 4. True, 5. Actions in Acrobat, 6. All of the above. After answering you will get this Thank you for participating in Acrobat Champions Quiz. Congratulations! you have answered all the questions correctly and you are an Acrobat Champion. The first 200 to provide submissions for the quiz shall be eligible for receiving one Adobe T-shirt each. If you are eligible for the same you shall receive the intimation by 11th Dec 2012 and your t-shirt shall be dispatched to your address by 15th Dec 2012. [align=center]Don't Forget to Add REP+ if you Get Congratulations[/align] ------------------------------------------------------------
Got this alert "Congratulations! you have answered all the questions correctly and you are an Acrobat Champion." Thanks sudhi3222