homeshop18:Rearview : My Roadies Journey(By Raghu Ram) -lowest online

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  1. sahilmehta

    sahilmehta Well-Known Member


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    Rearview : My Roadies Journey: By Raghu Ram

    About The Book:
    Authored By: Raghu Ram
    Publisher Rupa Publications
    Publication Year 2013 November
    Language English
    Number of Pages 312 Pages
    Book Type Non Fiction Book

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  2. Kanika Jain

    Kanika Jain Well-Known Member

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    [Lowest]Homeshop18: Rearview: My Roadies Journey [Paperback] @ Rs 117 Worth Rs 195

    Store: Homeshop18

    MRP- Rs 195

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    What is going on in the contestants mind? Does he admire me, respect me and hate me? Fear me? May be all of the above. I dont understand it. I dont understand the Roadies form that has F-k you Raghu, written all over it, I dont understand the poster that was held up this year during the Chandigarh auditions that read, Baap toh baap hota hai. Raghu Rox, I see equal parts respect, equal parts loathing. Equal parts Raghu, equal parts the bully. There is a man tall, bald, muscular, intimidating who manages to induce terror and awe in all those who dare walk into his interrogation room. There was once a boy scrawny, weak, easily intimidated, voice unbroken at fifteen, who was bullied consistently through his childhood. This is the story of how that boy became the man he is today: part-time singer, song-writer and jammer, full-time producer, camera man and editor. Sherlock Holmes and Batman worshipper, staunch atheist with an innate fear of water and heights. This is the autobiography of the rudest man on Indian television. Raghu Ram, the original Roadie, split wide open.

    Price Comparison:-
    Amazon @ Rs 146

    Flipkart @ Rs 159

    Books.rediff @ Rs 167

    Infibeam @ Rs 176
  3. admin

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