[Indiatimes] December Christmas Sale:upto 10000 Off On All Buys

Discussion in 'Good Deals (A Rated)' started by sam4deals, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. sam4deals

    sam4deals Well-Known Member



    offer-indiatimes december christmas sale:upto 10000 off on all buys

    SHIPPING-VARY with product

    valid-31 december 2013


    Shopping.indiatimes has realsed new coupon code which entitles user to get upto Rs.10,000 off on Indiatimes.

    Mobile and Accessories Up to Rs. 15% off code -MOBBAG

    Tablets upto 15% off code:- MOBBAG
    Computers & Accessories upto 15% off code- MOBBAG

    Electronics upto 15% OFF off code- ELECTBAG
    Cameras & Accessories:- upto 15% off code- ELECTBAG


    Health & Beauty upto 15% off code:- BEAUTYBAG

    JEWELLERY upto 25% off code:-BEAUTYBAG

    Footwears upto25% off code:- FOOTBAG
    Clothing upto 25% off coupon:- FOOTBAG


    HOME & Kitchen upto 20% off code:- HOMEBAG


    1. Maximum discount offered Up to Rs.10,000 Extra off on over all site.
    2. Gift coupon is valid from 0000 hrs (1st Dec’13) to 2359 hrs (31st Dec’13).
    3. Voucher applicable on selected products available on http://shopping.indiatimes.com
    4. Shipping charges as applicable.
    5. The above mentioned coupon code would be valid only once for a unique customer.
    6. In case of order cancellation, issued Gift coupon will be cancelled.
    7. If you return few items from your order because of an error on our part or because of damaged or defective product, we'll refund the item cost after adjusting proportionate GC value.
    8. For e.g. - Cart Value = 10000, GC: 2000 off on purchase of 10000, refund requested 5000 then refund approved = 4000 (i.e. (5000-(5000*2000/100000)
    9. This is a consumer promotion only, and any order deemed to have been placed for reselling purpose shall be cancelled.
    10. Limited redemptions allowed on first come first serve basis.
    11. Standard T&C’s apply.
    12. TIL reserves the rights to stop the promotion at any given time and/or change, modify, withdraw, partially withdraw or extend the said promotion, at its sole discretion.
    13. Any disputes arising out of this Program shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts of Delhi.
    mailtolokeshchawla likes this.
  2. Hobbit

    Hobbit Moderator Staff Member


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