KhauGaliDeals Play Kick Movies Quiz Contest at Answer 4 Simple Questions

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by khaugali deals, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. khaugali deals

    khaugali deals Member

    KhauGaliDeals Play Kick Movies Quiz Contest. Answer 4 Simple Question & Get a Chance to WIN FREE Movie Merchandise.


    Click Here for Landing Page of Kick Movies Quiz Contest

    How to Play :

    Register in this contest by paying a registration fees of Rs.10. Click here to Register
    After payment, copy the Order ID & paste it on Contest Page. Below
    Answer all 4 questions correctly & fill the form.
    20 Lucky Winners would get Free Movie Merchandise.
    Rest all the participants would get 100% cash back of Rs.10 to use on

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