Kids will be Kids contest win goodies-Essilor Eye Lounge

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    And kids are never too happy to wear glasses. But when it comes to having fun, they won’t let a minor problem like wearing spectacles get in their way!
    Send photos of your children having fun while wearing glasses and give your child the chance to feature in a special Crizal Junior calendar.
    The top 12 photos will be selected for the Calendar. The 12 entries will get a School Backpack and the Crizal Junior 2015 Table Calendar. 50 other lucky winners will get the Crizal Junior 2015 Table Calendar for their participation in the contest.

    Only citizens of India aged 16 and above or basis the social media age limit criteria shall be eligible to participate in this Contest or engagement activity
    Only one entry and the first entry by the participants would be considered

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