Monsoon story-Action Shoes

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    Monsoon brings relief from the heat and also brings on memories of good times! We all have a story related to Monsoon, don't we? Be it the first crush, or chai and snacks with friends, or the fever after rain dance
    Something exciting happened to you during the Monsoon? Share your story with us and you may win a pair of Action shoes.

    You just need to:

    Step 1: Share your interesting Monsoon story with us using #ActionInMonsoon
    Step 2: Like and Share the post.

    3 lucky winners selected by us will get to win a pair each. So get going & start sharing your stories! Contest ends July 27th,2014 11:59 PM.

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