MyHappyFeet-Paragon Footwear

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    MyHappyFeet- Show us your happy feet!
    Is your feet happy wearing Paragon Footwear? Then, click a photo of your feet wearing Paragon Footwear in the most creative way along with a small write-up as to why your feet is happy wearing Paragon Footwear and upload it on our Facebook wall or comment here. The best photo will win one Paragon Footwear everyday! Winner will be announced today after 6 PM.
    You can also tweet using #MyHappyFeet and mention @paragonfootwear or send an email to Please ensure to ‘Like’ us on Facebook and ‘Follow’ us on Twitter before participating, failing which, you will not be eligible to win the prize.
    For more details, read the terms and conditions here -

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