Namecheap : Domain Name @ Rs 65 on 4th June 10 AM

Discussion in 'Good Deals (A Rated)' started by admin, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. admin

    admin Moderator Staff Member

    Namecheap is giving domain @ $1.16 = Rs 65 on 4th June 10:30 AM IST or 4th June 00:00 EST.

    Click below link to go to website:-


    About this deal:-

    If enabled, the code will be valid for exactly 24 hours starting from June 3rd 4th 00:00 AM EST. The price for .com, .net, or .org domains registration or transfer with Namecheap is $0.98*. Please note that the $0.18 ICANN fee is applied to .com and .net domains. The offer is limited to 1 per household entity or business, and is not valid for domains that were transferred out of Namecheap earlier. Each domain registration or transfer comes with free WhoisGuard and free Personal Email for the first year. Please note that the overall number of domains at the promo price will be limited.
    If the deal gets enabled, your account should meet the following criteria to take advantage of the offer:
    • You must follow @namecheap on twitter
    • You follow the guideline and not retweet more than once every 6 hours.
  2. Download123

    Download123 Well-Known Member

    admin Nice work Bro :) Surely Deserve For A Deal when Deal is live :)
  3. afzal

    afzal Well-Known Member

    good find !!!! admin
  4. developer

    developer Moderator Staff Member

    good find is live

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