Bought from Ebay @16k the 16gb version There are many advantages one can think and very less like disadvantages Adv - Awesome build by ASUS plus google product excellent clocking - Since it was highest sold tablet there are many dev's who give rooting and roms and nexus 7 2013 is no exception - First Android updates are pushed on Nexus like a cherry on top - Tablet are mostly used for homes. Guess what Nexus have profile management. I have seperate profile for myself and peps. Both can use with their own privacy. - Big screen, super display, surround sound(decent) - Since google product google sphere 0_0 its just WOW - also major apps are supported for google version of products. - Battery is exceptional takes time to charge but takes more time to discharge considering the PPI of screen Disadv - i face ghost touches for landscape mode - camera sadistically is not exceptional - there is lot of bezel at top and bottom, even though its on purpose as per google for holding but i find those wasting and pretty large it could have been slicker