Satvikshop: Down to Earth Chana Besan (2kg) @202/-

Discussion in 'All Hot Deals' started by naresh, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. naresh

    naresh Well-Known Member

    Satvikshop: Down to Earth Chana Besan (2kg) @202/- worth 302/-
    Use Coupon Code SATVIK0901 at Checkout to get Rs.100 Discount

    Nutritional values
    Nutrition facts per 100 g
    • Total calories : 981 kcal
    • Calories from fat : 60.3 kcal
    • Total fat : 6.70 g
    • Cholesterol : 0.00 mg
    • Total carbohydrate : 57.80 g
    • Dietary fibre : 10.80 g
    • Sugar : 10.00 g
    • Protein : 22.40 g
    • Sodium : 59.00 mg
    • Calcium : 45.00 mg
    • Iron : 4.90 mg
    Product specifications
    • Colour : Characteristic
    • Size : Sieve analysis
    • + 0.3 mm
    • + 0.2 mm
    • - 0.2 mm
    • Aroma : Typical
    • Moisture content : 9.0-9.0%
    • Total ash : 3.0-3.0%
    • Total acid insoluble ash : 0.2-0.2%
    • Total bacterial count : 106
    • Total yeast & moulds : 105
    • E Coli : 102
    • Salmonella (in 25 g) : Absent


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