Sell N Tell contest-OLX India

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    Got an OLX Happy Selling Story??
    Here is a nice chance to win prizes Like HCL ME tablet,Kindle,MP3 player, Digital Camera,ITC vouchers,Reebox vouchers,Movie Tickets and many more
    How to participate

    submit your OLX selling story in maximum 250 words
    The most exciting story of the day will be handpicked for the daily Bumper prize
    share your entry with your friends the most voted stories win movie vouchers every day

    All the valid entries would be eligible for the mega bumper prizes to be announced on the live video hangout with Sorabh pant,kunal Rao and sahil Shah of the East India comedy on 1st and 8th july

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