ShopClues: Alpenliebe Eclairs and Creamfills Pouches (Pack of 2) @73 Alpenliebe Eclairs and Creamfills Pouches (Pack of 2) List Price: No list price specified Selling Price: 100 Deal Price: 39 Shipping Charge: 34 Use coupon: SCAE39 Offer valid till stock lasts Alpenliebe is the flagship brand of Perfetti Van Melle and a leader in the confectionery market.The product, a rich milky caramel toffee, is a combination of milk and caramel font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: normal; background-color: #f9f9f9;" />Alpenliebe was launched in India in December 1995 with a distinct product proposition: Quanity - 50 pcs each Packing The candy was an amazing mix of caramel, milk and butter It was the 1st deposited candy in the Indian market and therefore the eat experience was most uniqueOther than the Caramel flavour, Alpenliebe is currently available in Cream Strawberry, Chocolate, Coffee and Cream Banana flavours.The platform of irresistibility was a perfect fit with the unique product experience. Looking back at the last 10 years, Alpenliebe has successfully managed to capture the sweet tooth of kids, teenagers and adults across various sections of society. It has become synonymous with irresistibility and has become a house-hold name. Alpenliebe has resided in the world of irresistibility. - Its a world where you give into temptation without any guilt - Its a world that lets you indulge unabashedly - A world where you dont need to justify pleasure seeking