ShopClues: Amway Nutrilite Protein Powder Family Pack @2033 Amway Nutrilite Protein Powder Family Pack List Price: 3219 Selling Price: 2950 Deal Price: 1999 Shipping Charge: 34 Use coupon: SCAN99 Offer valid till 1st September Nutrilite Protein Family Pack is a ‘complete protein’ for the entire family. This provides balanced amounts of essential and non-essential amino acids vital for maintenance and rebuilding of cells and tissues. It has a high protein content of 80% and provides a balanced supply of all nine essential amino acids. It also provides the added benefits of naturally occurring soy isoflavones, calcium and iron for optimum health The Protein for everyone. Provides at least 8gm of protein per 10 gram serving. Combination of high quality protein isolated from soy & milk Contains only 0.3gm/serve fat Has a BV = 81% and PER = 2.5 Is neutral tasting Contains Lactalbumin and Methionine derived from Milk Whey Is stable under high temperatures Contains Soy Lecithin Contains Soy Isoflavones Does not contain artificial sweeteners, colours or preservatives.
Any price comparisons Sis ? Anyway , Amway is good brand and nice difference from the MRP Will get 40 odd cluebucks as well making effective price under Rs.2000