ShopClues: Kenstar Captain KIC14BP6-DCP Induction Cooktop @1223 Kenstar Captain KIC14BP6-DCP Induction Cooktop List Price: 2990 Selling Price: 2590 Deal Price: 1099 Shipping Charge: 124 Use coupon: SC5KC99 Offer valid till 14th Jaunary Key Features:Auto Cool Function Automatic Pan Detection Easy To Use & Clean Elegant design
Kenstar Captain KIC14BP6-DCP Induction Cooktop@1223 :shopclues List Price:Rs.2,990 Selling Price:Rs.2,590 Deal Price:Rs.1,099 Special Offer 1) Use Coupon Code SC5KC99 to get this product for Rs 1,099/- 2) Offer valid till 20th Jaunary 3) Shipping Rs.124/- Key Features:Auto Cool Function Automatic Pan Detection Easy To Use & Clean Elegant design