ShopClues: Laser Gentleman Men's Socks(Set of 3) @88 Laser Gentleman Men's Socks(Set of 3) List Price: No list price specified Selling Price: 199 Deal Price: 64 Shipping Charge: 24 Use coupon: SC2MS64 Offer valid till 11th June Soft comfy socks from Laser to keep your feet in cushioned bliss all day. This pair is crafted from a two-ply mercerised yarn - a technique that gives cotton threads a lovely dull sheen. Match the colour of your socks to your formal trousers and add an element of luxurious comfort and style to your office wear. Note: Colour and design may be different from Image 100% COTTON SOCKS, FREE SIZE
Laser Gentleman Men's Socks(Set of 3) Special Offer 1) Use Coupon Code SC2MS64 to get this product for Rs 64/- 2) Offer valid till 11th June 3) Shipping Rs.24/-
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