store-shopclues List Price:Rs.1,650 Selling Price:Rs.1,550 Deal Price:Rs.599 Special Offer 1) Use Coupon Code SC2EP99 to get this product for Rs 599/- 2) Offer valid till 23rd November 3) Shipping Rs.49/- Features: Purification by Hollow Fiber Ultra Filtration Membrane (UF Membrane) removes bacteria as well as cysts. Use of Activated Carbon for better disinfection of water. No chemicals like Chlorine, Bromine or Iodine used for purification thereby providing healthier and tastier drinking water. Long life membrane (expected to last upto 4000 litres). Transparent tank made of unbreakable ABS food-grade plastic. High base stand enables easy positioning of glass to draw water 15 litres storage - Optimum for a small family Economical model