ShopClues: Sai Arpan Attractive Set Of 4 Double Bedsheet Combo @843 Sai Arpan Attractive Set Of 4 Double Bedsheet Combo List Price: 2299 Selling Price: 1399 Deal Price: 744 Shipping Charge: 99 Use coupon: SC7LB94 Offer valid till 7th December For those looking for luxurious as well as eye-catching addition to their home decor, this Double Bedsheet Set can add that extra elegant touch and style to brighten things up a notch. A perfect home furnishing piece, this will add serene vibes to your home. Materialoly Cotton Colour:Multicolor Dimensionsouble Bedsheet- Length: 95 Inches (240 Cms), Width- 86 Inches (220 Cms); Pillow Cover: Length- 18 Inches (45 Cms), Width- 27 Inches (68 Cms) Set Content:Set Of 12 Pcs (4 Double Bedsheet, 8 Pillow Covers)