Spot the Altos-Alto K10

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, May 25, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    Alto is the number one selling car in India and it’s easy to spot one anywhere & everywhere. Spot as many Alto 800 or Alto K10 as you can and tweet or upload
    1. Sign in with Facebook, Twitter or Google.
    2. Upload pictures of as many Altos as you can spot on the road.
    3. You can take picture of any Alto (irrespective of the variant) and upload them on the microsite.
    4. You can also tweet a picture of an Alto you spot using #25LakhAltos and by tagging either @Alto_800 or @AltoK10.
    5. You can also upload through Facebook using #25LakhAltos and tagging the page Alto K10 or Alto 800.
    6. You can also upload directly from your computer from our website
    7. Top 3 winners with maximum number of valid pictures uploaded will be declared as winners at the end of the contest.

    1. The images of the car should be clearly visible.
    2. The contestant can submit only one picture per car. Multiple entries of the same Alto car will not be considered as valid entries and could lead to disqualification.
    3. Images of Alto picked up from the web would not be considered as valid entries.

    participate and win Apple iPad mini (1st prize) ,Samsumg galaxy grand 2(2nd prize),sony xperia C (3rd prize)

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