*1. Do you own a Travalo Excel? Do you own a Travalo Excel? Yes No *2. What colour is your Travalo? hat colour is your Travalo? Black Blue Gold Green Hot Pink Orange Pink Purple Red Silver *3. The Travalo Excel comes in a clear plastic container. Do you keep your Travalo in it? The Travalo Excel comes in a clear plastic container. Do you keep your Travalo in it? Yes No If Yes, please explain why? *4. Would you like all Travalo's to come in a plastic case? Would you like all Travalo's to come in a plastic case? Yes No *5. On a Scale of 0 to 10, would you recommend Travalo to your friends and family? 0 - Not Likely12345678910 - Definitely *6. Are you male or female? Are you male or female? Male Female *7. Which category below includes your age? Which category below includes your age? 17 or younger 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or older *8. In what part of the world do you live? In what part of the world do you live? North America South America Europe Africa Asia Australasia 9. Please leave your email address to be entered into the prize draw https://www.facebook.com/travalo/app_127709503932081