Tastykhana : Flat 55% off on online orders of Rs.350+ (only for new users) for Rs. 158 at Tastykhana

Discussion in 'All Hot Deals' started by minhas, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. minhas

    minhas Well-Known Member


    Steps :
    1. Go to -->> http://tastykhana.in/promo/special-day
    2. Use Coupon code : STAG
    3. Valid only on online orders of Rs.350+
    4. Maximum discount Of Rs.150
    5. Valid only for new users
    6. Get 15% off via payumoney
    7. Valid on all orders with payment via payumoney
    8. Maximum discount Rs.50
    9. Discount will be applicable on the actual amount paid

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