Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    There's much more than numbers that define this man, but it's all stats and facts that mark a die-hard Sachin fan! Listed in each of these trump cards (The Sachin Stat-Trick Contest on our Facebook page) are stats and facts about the Little Master. But one fact/stat in each card is untrue. Identify the erroneous fact in each and mail us the correct one. May the Little Master bring you great rewards - we've got vouchers and Sachin collectibles up for grabs!

    1) Please do not leave your answers in Facebook's comment section!
    2) To participate, please send us the 5 incorrect stats in our 'Sachin Stat-Trick Contest' album on our Facebook page. Mail your responses to!
    3) We'll be selecting 5 winners (from a random draw) who send us the 5 incorrect stats for gift vouchers worth Rs. 500 & Sachin collectibles.
    4) This contest closes on November 15th, 2013 - 11:59PM.
    5) Winners will be announced on November 20th, 2013.

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