-------------main link--------------------- http://www.snapdeal.com/product/tsx-blacknavy-pack-of-2/764342590 .. More options- http://www.snapdeal.com/products/men-apparel-outerwear-jackets ----------product price---------------- List Price: Rs.1,999 Offer Price: Rs.899 -----------details-------------------------------------------- TSX Black-Navy Pack of 2 Sleeveless Jackets: Brand:TSX Product Type: Padded Jackets Color:Black-Navy Fit:Regular Set Contents: Pack of 2 Classy Sleeveless Jackets Neck: High Neck Sleeve:Sleeveless Fabric:Nylon ------------------------------------------------------------------------
In homeshop18 also same product available for the same price.. http://www.homeshop18.com/jackets-c.../sort:Price Low to High/filter_Brand:("TSX")/ Pirce Rs 949/ If we use FREECHARGE - Rs 50 HomeShop18 Coupon we can get the same product for the price Rs 899 with Free Shipping.. Also we have lot of colors available.. Please check the above link..!
Yes ofcourse its same price.. But there is lot of options are there... Also we can expect some offer for clothes from HomeShop18..(May be in weekends..) But for this week yesterday only FLAT35% GOSF offer over from Homeshop18.. So if there is any offer we can get cheaper also.. For time being its same price only!