Vibrating Sauna Belt Slimming Belt @ 249 Rs From Rediff

Discussion in 'All Hot Deals' started by dealsonly, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. dealsonly

    dealsonly Well-Known Member

    • Click here to visit Rediff Shopping.
    • Apply code RED100 & redeem discount
    • Pay Rs 249 + 70 Ship and buy the product.
    Price Comparison:

    HS18 - 483 Rs
    Tradus - 300 Rs + 41 Rs Ship

    The Amazing BRAND NEW Vibrating Sauna Belt helps you to sweat away unwanted fat, eliminate cellulite, lose weight and ease muscle pain all while sitting in the comfort of your own home.
    The Vibrating Sauna belt focuses the sauna heat on the most problematic body parts to help flush out and eliminate toxins. Adding vibration to Sauna belt makes the vibrations to take out the micro fat cells from belly portion So burning almost the double amount of fat as compared to other sauna belts.


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