Win 16 Gb Pendrive and Branded T-shirts- TripFloor

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    TripFloor is going to announce a contest regarding 'Most Facebook Likes'
    The person who will make the most likes on TripFloor facebook page, will be the winner.
    Awards:- The winner will get a branded 16 GB Pen Drive.
    The runner up will get a branded T-Shirt.
    Rest participants will get consolation prizes.

    Terms & Conditions:-
    1.The participants must inbox us,his/her details(name & mail id)
    2.He/She should provide the snapshot as how many his/her friends did like TripFloor facebook page

    We will announce the winner on 12 october 2013.

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