Win a chance to watch the Voice Live in LA with Shakira- AXN INDIA

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    For every thrilling show on AXN, there are a multitude of fans and then there are the Total Thrill Junkies. These never tire of being thrilled. Their inexhaustible thirst for thrill is what drives us to make AXN Your Ultimate Thrillstation.

    This award is our search for the biggest AXN Total Thrill Junkie.

    1. What is 'AXN Total Thrill Junkie Contest'?
    AXN Total Thrill Junkie Contest is a social media rewards program. The Fan/Follower with maximum points gets an opportunity to be the winner. To earn the title of a Total Thrill Junkie, you can earn points by demonstrating your fandom across, Facebook and twitter.
    The AXN Total Thrill Junkie application keeps track of all your point earning activities from the application and adds these points to your account.

    2. Whats the prize?
    The biggest AXN Total Thrill Junkie will be awarded a trip to the Voice sets in LA to watch the show LIVE with Shakira.

    3. How to participate?
    You can participate by voting, tweeting, liking, watching videos and all the below mentioned activities given in the next sub section

    4. How can I earn points?
    An individual can earn points by joining AXN Total Thrill Junkie Contest’, actively engaging with the AXN India page participating in our contests and referring your friends to join AXN Total Thrill Junkie Contest

    Each Vote 100 Points
    Voting across categories 1000 Points
    Watching the category promo 100 Points
    Watching the AV 100 Points
    Sharing your vote on Twitter (by tweeting via microsite) 250 points
    Sharing your vote on Facebook (on microsite) 250 Points
    Inviting friends to like AXN India 250 Points
    Liking a post on AXN India Facebook page 100 Points
    Commenting on a post on AXN India Facebook page 250 points
    Tagging friends on a post on AXN India Facebook page 150 points
    Using #AXNAwards on twitter 250 points
    Rting tweets of AXN India with the hashtag #AXNAwards 250 points
    Creating a video to show your fandom and posting the same on the AXN Facebook page – Get wacky and creative ! 350 points
    Creating an image to show your fandom and posting the same on the AXN Facebook page- Get wacky and creative ! 300 points
    5. How are the points calculated?
    When you Join the program, actively engage with AXN on social media or invite a friend to participate in a contest, AXN keeps track of all your point earning activities from the application and adds these points to your account.
    6. Can I view my points?
    My account on AXN’s microsite displays the number of points in your account and the history of your participation. The points will be refreshed every 12 hours.
    7. Can I gift my points?
    No you cannot gift your points to your friends.

    For more information, click here for Terms & Conditions

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